As of the new year, we are pleased to welcome Domenico Forgione to the team. Dom has spent the last two years working within our BookingsGuru team, marketing our customers’ facilities for hire and promoting the many community activities taking place across our portfolio of venues. Dom will now focus on seeking new business opportunities with new and potential customers, being responsible for developing lettings solutions for all types of businesses and organisations with space to hire to the local community.
Dom said: “At Kajima Community we recognise that not one size fits all and that’s why we offer tailored solutions to any venue looking to maximise their lettings revenue and expand their community programme. Having previously worked directly with venues and hirers, I am well aware of some of the challenges venues face in managing lettings such as; the time it takes to administer bookings, the resource required to promote available facilities for hire as well as the training and coordination of site staff. Our core offerings which include, our BookingsPlus online lettings software and our BookingsGuru marketing and admin service, coupled with our expert knowledge and experience of the lettings marketing, means we can offer bespoke solutions to a range of venues.
I will be bringing a confident and hardworking persona to the BookingsPlus team, as well as new and innovative ideas. As I previously worked in the BookingsGuru team, I know the BookingsPlus team very well and this will allow me to skip the transition period and get stuck into my new role straight away.
I’m very excited for the challenges my new role will bring and looking forward to achieving our objectives for 2020.”
Email or call 07980 782 905 to find out how our range of lettings solutions can help maximise your lettings or visit us online at